[Users] changes in database setup scripts

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Thu May 31 09:50:40 CEST 2007

Hello all,

i've commited new database setup scripts for mysql and postgresql. Now are the 
SQL tables generated from a common XML definition, to avoid inconsistencies 
between the different databases. With the new system is not more necessary to 
update three different shell scripts for one database table change, hopefully 
this will lead to fewer bugs.

The dbtext integration is still missing, i'll work on this and on further 
extension of the system in two weeks after the programming course in paris.

I've tested the new system with mysql 5.0 and postgresql 8.2, but there are 
probably still some bugs present.

So if you get an database setup script related error from trunk, don't 
hesitate to complain here or on the devel list. :-)

You'll find further informations about this system in the wiki:

Best regards,


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