[Users] Help on probably memory leak

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Mon Jun 11 10:39:23 CEST 2007

yes, go for SVN branch 1.2 as contains all the latest fixes (even after 
the releases). For how to get it from SVN, see :
SVN section.

please let me know if after the update the problem got solved.


Marcello Lupo wrote:
> Hi Bogdan,
> you mean that is better to install from svn version 1.2.0 or 1.2.1?
> Sorry to bother you.
> Thanks,
> Bye,
> Marcello
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>> Hi Marcello,
>> you should try the latest SVN version. The leak visible in your logs 
>> is related to pkg mem, for the eval_elem() function (used in script 
>> evaluation). There is no other trace for a leak.
>> This was fixed some time ago, so, just update form SVN and see if the 
>> problem persist.
>> regards,
>> bogdan
>> Marcello Lupo wrote:
>>> Hi Bogdan,
>>> thank you for following my issue.
>>> I installed it from source non tls.
>>> I just read the Changelog in the 1.2.1 source and found that some 
>>> memory leak were fixed, but doesn't seems to me that are related to 
>>> my issue.
>>> Anyway was my intention to put up the 1.2.1 version (let me know if 
>>> is better from source or svn) and look at what will happen.
>>> Only before i want to make the debugging to let you  be able to 
>>> identify the problem.
>>> As i told in my orevious email i'm almost sure that it is related to 
>>> the wrong REGISTER packet that i receive from one of my test 
>>> equipments.
>>> I saw that more or less one day and halp after this requests started 
>>> i got the problem. After the first time it happened again after the 
>>> same amount of time.
>>> Theoretically it should happen today again.
>>> Let me know if you need any other data to debug the problem.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bye,
>>> Marcello

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