[Serusers] [Serdev] loose_route behaviour, detecting single Route with myself

Martin Hoffmann hn at nvnc.de
Thu Jul 12 09:21:46 CEST 2007

Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Nils Ohlmeier wrote:
> > But such a seperation would mean a change in the behavior again, because 
> > currently preloaded requests are also handled by loose_route() (it returns 
> > true for these requests). So it would be only an option to change this in 
> > head.
> I would vote to make totally new functions which also have a better 
> naming. Then people can use the old function with old behavior or the 
> new functions with new behavior.

Me 2. Possibly even put all that into a new rr module (rr2? recroute?).


PS: Why is this thread send to serdev twice? Or is there a difference
    between serdev at iptel.org and serdev at lists.iptel.org?

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