[Serusers] SV: Re: [Serdev] iptel.org ANNOUNCEMENT: New SER bug marshal

Lakmal Silva lakmal_sw at yahoo.se
Sat Feb 24 11:02:18 CET 2007

Hi Atle,

Thank you for the suggestion. I will soon come up with a basic plan and later on make improvements on it with everyones ideas. 



Atle Samuelsen <clona at cyberhouse.no> skrev: Hi Lakman,

Welcome :-) Looking forward to seeing this happening :-D

My only idea in this aspect would only be to have a webpage, with a list
over what's happening. Something like : 

| fixing configurable natping  |                          |
| per users bases, and not for | Atle                     |
| all nated_users/everybody    |                          |
| Updateing Documentation      | Greger                   |
| makeing cool features        | Jan                      |

and also what Ticket number this is. New features that is in the "plan"
of beeing developed could be added a ticket for, and just put on the


- Atle

* lakmal silva  [070221 18:18]:
> Hi Greger and all,
> Thank you for the warm welcome. I will try my best to perform what is expected of me as a Bug Marshal. If any of you have suggestions as to how this should be carried out and to make this process more effective for the development of SER, I would like to hearing from you.
> Regards,
> Lakmal
> "Greger V. Teigre"  skrev: Hi all!
> I'm pleased to announce that Lakmal Silva has volunteered to be our SER 
> bug marshal!
> Lakmal's main task will be to interface with the community and 
> developers and make sure that bug fixes and feature requests don't 
> disappear on the serusers and serdev mailing lists, as well as get them 
> properly described/documented.  (Please continue to use the tracker or 
> mailing lists as you are used to.)
> The bug marshal's responsibilities are in more details:
>  1. Scan the mailings lists for bug reports, patches, feature requests, 
> and improvement suggestions and:
>     a) make sure they are registered on either 
> http://iptel.org/ser/wishlist or as a tracker item (unless a developer 
> picks it up) with unscheduled status
>     b) request more information/debug traces/patches/etc in order to 
> make the item possible to act upon for a developer
>     c) solicit input from the developer(s) if clarification is needed
>  2. Pick up discussions on the mailing lists that concern new features, 
> put new features on the wish list and if appropriate create a new 
> specification/discussion page that will specify the feature in more 
> detail and can be used for discussion purposes (examples: 
> http://www.iptel.org/ser/specifications)
> Please don't contact Lakmal in private emails, but use the mailing lists 
> if you have questions/issues.
> On behalf of the SER community, I welcome Lakmal and wish him luck in 
> his new role as SER bug marshal!
> Greger
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