[Users] OpenSER CVS was migrated to SVN

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Mon Feb 26 19:38:39 CET 2007


after the discussion on devel mailing list was decided to migrate 
OpenSER CVS repository to SVN. Most of developers considered the SVN 
more convenient to work with, especially when hunting reported bugs (svn 
revision number is printed by openser -V).

Unfortunately this bring a bit of work for those installing and 
maintaining OpenSER from CVS. The have to grab the subversion (svn) tree 
righ now. There are no changes in directory structure, so any patch you 
had privately should apply easy. To get the same directory tree as for CVS:

# svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser sip-server

For details about how to get a certain branch, please see the download 
page on http://www.openser.org:

We are still working on making snapshot system using SVN, and maybe some 
other tools are not yet updated, but they will be in the next days. 
However, what is most important should be ready to go -- source tree 
should be fully functional with SVN. Please let us know if you encounter 
any issue.

The translation to SVN was made over this weeken. New commits were 
already done to SVN. There was no critical update you should run after, 
but is recommended to get SVN version as soon as possible. Old branches 
were migrated (releases 0.9.x, 1.0.x, 1.1.x).

For the reference, initial revision for subversion is 1689. Once you get 
your patch against latest CVS version availabe, then should be no issue 
to apply it to this subversion revision. Full commit history from CVS is 
available on SVN.

Hope SVN will make openser maintenance easier for all of you. Here are 
some links to get you familiar with SVN commands and capabilities:

OpenSER SVN page at sourceforge:


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