[Users] adding SDP lines

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Feb 20 23:22:29 CET 2007

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu writes:

 > using
 > fix_nated_sdp("1")
 > will set the FL_FORCE_ACTIVE flag (idx 1) into the message private flags.
 > t_write_xxx() will print these flags as:
 >     P-MsgFlags: XXXX
 > in reverted hexa format.
 > SEMS was looking for the flag there.
 > could you check if the flag is set in the print?

yes, after fix_nated_sdp("1") call

P-MsgFlags: 2

header is added to the request.  

i checked from sems source and it does check this flag as well as
direction=active sdp line.

so everything is ok,

-- juha

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