[Users] fosdem 2007

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Tue Feb 20 13:20:55 CET 2007


if some of you are joining Fosdem 2007, we can schedule short meeting 
around. Just send me an email.

I will be a lot in Jabber DevRoom, focusing around current SIMPLE-XMPP 
gateway and interoperability issues.

In short and medium terms, events where OpenSER representatives plan to 
go are listed at (not finished yet):

The page should let community members to learn quicker where OpenSER is 
present, so they can schedule travelings if they want to attend. Also, 
if any of you is going to speak about some solution or services which 
use OpenSER, please contact us to list you there. I am sure some people 
will be happy to learn about and attend the speech/event. If you have 
old/new slides, and you want to make them public, we can cache and list 
in openser web page as well.


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