[Users] nathelper and flag 2

Andreas Granig andreas.granig at inode.info
Tue Feb 13 17:36:03 CET 2007


Today I found a UAC which is *not* located behind NAT (public IP and sends this Via-Header, which seems perfectly valid 
according to RFC3261:

SIP/2.0/UDP VINNASUP06C:5060;maddr=;branch=z9hG4bK-2198d2

I used to check for nated clients using nat_uac_test("3"), which detects 
NAT in this case, because the host-part doesn't match the 
received-address. So is the test-flag "2" useless, since the host-part 
can be "hostname / IPv4address / IPv6reference", or should this 
particular test be extended to also check for the maddr-parameter?

In the meanwhile, I've changed my nat-test to "17" for only testing 
Contact and Via-Port instead of Contact and Via-Address, but it's still 
not optimal.

Any opinions on this?


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