[Serusers] SIP Express Bundle - let's get started
Mike Trest - Personal
Mike at Trest.COM
Mon Dec 17 15:40:21 CET 2007
At 09:10 AM 12/17/2007, Greger V. Teigre wrote:
>Sounds good, Mike.
>As we use berlios.de, there's really no official CVS maintainer, so
>my comment is as good as any.
That is a stable CVS. I only asked for maintainer as standard
courtesy to be able to check-in ongoing documentation for the project
if such materials are to be stored there.
>Why do you need a mirror?
Only offered if team see a need for a separate site for safety or
separate "read-only" distribution overhead.
>I'm sure we can create a new cvs module in the official repository
>(though we may want to evaluate whether to use berlios' subversion instead).
My best developers friends in US and CA are in various stages of
moving from old CVS to subversion.
It started as personal preference based on
ease-of-use. Functionality of SVN is moving onward and correcting
some traditional 'pain' associated with CVS when used by multiple
active users. Client side tools available and growing too.
>If we use subversion, you can use svk to create a mirror.
Yup. "It supports repository mirroring, disconnected operation,
history-sensitive merging, and integrates with other version control
systems, as well as popular visual merge tools. "
A PERL script to automate smart mirroring within your own subversion
site was made available in 2005. I do not know how widely it is
used. But my guys liked it as a way to be even more selective.
>Mike Trest - Personal wrote:
>>Greger, et. al.
>>While I did volunteer for Documentation and Testing already,
>>I am going to branch out and perform each step myself
>>so we can "document as we design".
>>To that end I am setting up two "target machines" in New York on which
>>to install-test-document each step wearing the hat of the Enterprise-IT-Guy.
>>I have a couple of techs that we can use in the role of "outside tester" who
>>will strictly follow the documentation to give the procedures a
>>good Q-A test.
>>I can be ready in early Janurary.
>>I would like to hear from the current CVS maintainer regards creation
>>of third machine as a Subversion / CVS mirror. Can you contact me
>>via EMAIL with some guidance?
>>Regards, ..mike..
>>At 03:03 AM 12/16/2007, Greger V. Teigre wrote:
>>>Using kickstart sounds good to me. I think we should keep
>>>separate the different steps:
>>>1. Create a base image of the OS
>>>2. Install the iptel.org apps and dependencies
>>>3. Do local configurations
>>>4. Create deployable virtual machine
>>>If each of these steps are isolated, different people can be
>>>responsible for the different steps.
>>>I have reorganized the project page into sections and incorporated
>>>lots of input from Jeremy at
>>>We now need to create a project plan, split into responsibilities,
>>>and take some key decisions.
>>>I think one key decision that we have already converged on is: for
>>>first version use CentOS5 and create vmware appliance.
>>>Jai Rangi wrote:
>>>>Sounds good,
>>>>Here is the script. Its been a while that we have used it. We
>>>>might need to modify something. I can look into it later. Let me
>>>>know if this is something you are looking for.
>>>># Need to add /bin/sh path
>>>># This script will install the softwares required to build softswitch.
>>>># Sysrequirements FC5, DELL 1950,
>>>># Jai
>>>># 12/11/06
>>>>if [ "`id -u`" != "0" -o `hostname` != "$HOSTNAME" ]; then
>>>> exit 0
>>>>echo "You are ROOT on Make sure you know what are you doing,
>>>> Press ENTER to continue"
>>>>echo "Server name = $HOSTNAME"
>>>>echo "FTP Server = $TEMPLATE"
>>>>echo "Press ENTER to start"
>>>>printf "PROCEEDING WITH INSTALLATION OF Softswitch on ${HOSTNAME} ...\n\n"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" != "xY" ]; then
>>>> printf "aborting. Press Y or N \n"
>>>> exit 0
>>>>printf "\n"
>>>>mkdir //home/switch
>>>>ln -s /home/switch /usr/local/
>>>>cd /usr/local/src
>>>>echo "------INSTALLING freeradius -----------------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to INSTALL FREERADIUS (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>tar zxvf freeradius-1.1.2.tar.gz
>>>>cd freeradius-1.1.2
>>>>make install
>>>>#cd ..
>>>>echo "enable digest auth in radiusd.conf, configure
>>>>clients.conf, create radius db and import tables."
>>>>printf "OK YOU Pressed N that means you don't want free radius.
>>>>No Problem \n"
>>>>echo "------ radius client lib -----------------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to radius client lib (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>tar zxvf radiusclient-ng-0.5.2.tar.gz
>>>>cd radiusclient-ng-0.5.2
>>>>make install
>>>>#vi /etc/ld.so.conf
>>>># /usr/local/lib
>>>>cat "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/radius- i386.conf
>>>>cd ..
>>>>printf "OK YOU did not Pressed Y that means you don't want radius
>>>>client lib. I don't care, I am just a script \n"
>>>>echo "------ MEDIAPROXY -------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to Mediaproxy (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>tar mediaproxy-1.4.2.tar.gz
>>>>mv mediaproxy /usr/local/mediaproxy
>>>>#cp mediaproxy.ini.sample mediaproxy.ini
>>>>#vi mediaproxy.ini
>>>># edit the options as per our envi.
>>>>cd /usr/local/mediaproxy/
>>>>wget <ftp://$TEMPLATE/configure_ser>ftp://$TEMPLATE/configure_ser
>>>>cp /usr/local/mediaproxy/boot/mediaproxy.other /etc/init.d/mediaproxy
>>>>/etc/init.d/mediaproxy start
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>printf "OK YOU did not Pressed Y that means you dont want
>>>>Mediaproxy. I dont care, But remember SIP users wont be able to talk \n"
>>>>echo "------ ser -------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to INSTALL SER (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>## We make changes in the Makefile for all the modules, build our
>>>>own tar and store it on our ftp server.
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>echo "Press ENTER to start"
>>>>tar zxvf ser-0.9.6_bingo.tar.gz
>>>>echo "Press ENTER to start"
>>>>cd ser-0.9.6
>>>>#cd modules/acc
>>>>#vi Makefile
>>>>#remove comment from sql and radius lines
>>>>#vi Makefile
>>>>#remove *_radius from exclude list
>>>>make all
>>>>make install
>>>>cd /usr/local/etc/ser/
>>>>printf "OK YOU did not Pressed Y that means you don't want a
>>>>softswitch you. Just playing with me HUHH, OK \n"
>>>># ----------------------------------------------
>>>>echo "------ APACHE -------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to INSTALL APACHE (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>tar zxvf httpd-2.2.3.tar.gz
>>>>cd httpd-2.2.3
>>>>./configure --enable-shared=max --enable-module=rewrite
>>>>--enable-module=so --with-apxs2
>>>>make install
>>>>printf "OK YOU did not Pressed Y that means you dont want APACHE.
>>>>You might need this for serweb. \n"
>>>>echo "------ IMAP -------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to INSTALL IMAP, (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>tar zxf imap-2004c1.tar.Z
>>>>cd imap-2004c1
>>>>make slx SSLTYPE=none
>>>>cd c-client/
>>>>cp c-client.a /usr/lib
>>>>cp rfc822.h mail.h linkage.h /usr/include/
>>>>printf "OK YOU did not Pressed Y that means you dont want APACHE.
>>>>You might need this for serweb. \n"
>>>>echo "------ PHP 4.xx -------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to INSTALL PHP 4.xx, If you dont install this
>>>>then DONT complain if your serweb doesnt work (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>tar zxvf php-4.3.10.tar.gz
>>>>cd php-4.3.10
>>>>./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql
>>>>make install
>>>>cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini
>>>>cd /usr/local/apache2/
>>>>#vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
>>>># AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
>>>># LoadModule php4_module libexec/libphp4.so
>>>># modify the index.html line and add index.php to the list
>>>># Listen 81
>>>>/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start
>>>>printf "OK YOU did not Pressed Y that means you refused to
>>>>install PHP. You will need this for serweb. \n"
>>>>echo "------ PHP 4.xx -------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to INSTALL PHP 4.xx, If you dont install this
>>>>then DONT complain if your serweb doesnt work (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>tar zxvf serweb-0.9.6.tar.gz
>>>>mv serweb-0.9.6 serweb
>>>># next few line have been taken care of httpd.conf in apache installation.
>>>>#vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
>>>>#Alias /serweb "/usr/local/serweb/html/"
>>>>#<Directory "/usr/local/serweb/html">
>>>># AllowOverride None
>>>># Options None
>>>># Order allow,deny
>>>># Allow from all
>>>>cd /usr/local/serweb/config
>>>>#vi config*
>>>> modify all config files are per your env.
>>>>#vi /usr/local/etc/ser/ser.cfg
>>>>#Send daily missed calls
>>>>#Crontab line:
>>>>#5 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/php
>>>>#Server monitoring
>>>>#Crontab line:
>>>>#* * * * * /usr/local/bin/php
>>>>printf "OK YOU did not Pressed Y that means you refused to
>>>>install PHP. You will need this for serweb. \n"
>>>>echo "------ DIALIP_ADMIN -------------------"
>>>>printf "Do you want to INSTALL DIALUP_ADMIN (Y/N)?"
>>>>read X
>>>>if [ "x$X" == "xY" ]; then
>>>>cd /usr/local/src/
>>>>tar zxvf dialup_admin- 1.62.tar.gz
>>>>mv dialup_admin /usr/local/radiusadmin
>>>>#vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
>>>>#Alias /radius "/usr/local/radiusadmin/htdocs/"
>>>>#<Directory "/usr/local/radiusadmin/htdocs">
>>>># AllowOverride None
>>>># Options None
>>>># Order allow,deny
>>>># Allow from all
>>>>#cd /usr/local/radiusadmin/sql
>>>># import all sql queries to radius database
>>>>#cd /usr/local/radiusadmin/conf
>>>># modify config files
>>>>On Dec 10, 2007 9:15 PM, ram
>>>><<mailto:talk2ram at gmail.com>talk2ram at gmail.com > wrote:
>>>>On Dec 10, 2007 11:02 PM, Jai Rangi
>>>><<mailto:jprangi at gmail.com>jprangi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Preparing Kickstart file is a good idea.
>>>>How about running a post installation script in the kickstart
>>>>file. We have done this a lots on time in FC*. The process should
>>>>be something like this,
>>>>1. Build a default kickstart file that will install all the
>>>>required packages for all the ser components.
>>>>2. The kickstart file have an option to run a post installation script.
>>>>3. Now we need to have one zip file of all the components we want
>>>>to install related to ser. (ser, werbwer, sems, sipp, sppsak
>>>>etc). That file can be placed either on the CDs or can be
>>>>downloaded from somewhere. All the components can be packaged in
>>>>the one zip file of they can be downloaded separately.
>>>>4. The script can be interactive.
>>>>yes that will be the idea, for the CD install
>>>>after install of OS, we can run post install script to compile
>>>>rest all required for
>>>>SER ( or compile already for the same OS Distro and move them
>>>>directly to the respective Directory)
>>>>BTW I have a small postinstallation shell script like that, and I
>>>>can share that.
>>>>post to group, may be if require people may use.
>>>>On Dec 10, 2007 3:42 AM, SIP <<mailto:sip at arcdiv.com>
>>>>sip at arcdiv.com> wrote:
>>>>Greger V. Teigre wrote:
>>>> > [removed sems, semsdev, and serdev from cc]
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > SIP wrote:
>>>> >> Something I noted about the project. While I am all for a
>>>> virtual image
>>>> >> for testing purposes and getting things up and running while we're
>>>> >> creating this project, I think the ultimate goal should be something
>>>> >> like an ISO that's ready to go on a server. There are many of
>>>> us in the
>>>> >> systems world who have not bought into the whole virtualisation
>>>> >> marketing gimmick when it comes to system deployment, and for
>>>> the casual
>>>> >> home user who's less comfortable with using VMs for an actual
>>>> production
>>>> >> system (which is, to be honest, a lot of people), it might be
>>>> easier in
>>>> >> the long term to get everything the way we want it and then
>>>> make an ISO
>>>> >> that's ready to drop onto whatever machine with all the
>>>> components we need.
>>>> >>
>>>> > Ok. When you say "ISO that's ready to drop onto", do you have a
>>>> > particular procedure in mind?
>>>> >
>>>> > g-)
>>>>Something like taking a kickstart file and making an installable livecd
>>>>from it (something similar to the LiveCD berlios project). I don't KNOW
>>>>of one that works to create installable ISOs in CentOS, but I'm sure
>>>>there must be... somewhere... maybe....?
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