[OpenSER-Users] [CPL] recurse="yes" doesn't work ?

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Mon Dec 24 11:30:19 CET 2007

Hi, I try to set "recurse" parameter in order to automatically proxy
the call to "Contact" URI present in a 302 response from called UAS:

		<lookup source="registration">
				<proxy timeout="8" recurse="yes">

Now I set a redirection in the called UAS so it replies a 302. Reading
RFC 3880 I assume that the proxy should create a branch to the 302
"Contact" URI instead of passing the 302 to the callee:

6.1.  Proxy
   The second optional parameter is "recurse", which can take two
   values, "yes" or "no".  This specifies whether the server should
   automatically attempt to place further call attempts to telephony
   addresses in redirection responses that were returned from the
   initial server.

But in fact, the 302 arrives to the callee as if not "recurse"
parameter exists. Maybe I haven't understood the meaning of this
"recurse" parameter? or could it be a bug?

Thanks for any explanation. Best regards.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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