[OpenSER-Users] error_route not working

Jayesh Nambiar voip_freak at yahoo.co.in
Wed Dec 19 09:26:11 CET 2007

Hi All,
I am using openser 1.3. Yesterday I added the error_route in my script to handle the parsing errors. But I see that the script logic is not going into error_route and I still see the message log filled up with messages like below:
INFO:core:parse_first_line: bad message
Dec 19 08:02:17 sw1 /usr/local/sbin/openser[26964]: ERROR:core:parse_msg: message=<INVITE sip:61: 394086416 at SIP/2.0

If the error route is present in the script should'nt the script go to the error route in the case like above?
My error_route is as follows:

error_route {
     xlog("--- error route class=$(err.class) level=$(err.level)
            info=$(err.info) rcode=$(err.rcode) rreason=$(err.rreason) ---\n");
     xlog("--- error from [$si:$sp]\n+++++\n$mb\n++++\n");
     sl_send_reply("$err.rcode", "$err.rreason");

Can somebody give me some pointers on why error_route is not working in this case or am I missing something.

Thanks in advance


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