[OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + CDRTool

Marc LEURENT lftsy at free.fr
Tue Aug 7 11:04:37 CEST 2007

Hello everybody,
I was wondering what should I add in my cdrtool configuration to enable the communication price calculation
CDRTool has evrything he needs from the freeradius.acct table, billing party and Canonical URI...

Is it possible to monitor what CDRTool is doing???
Is there logs somewhere...

I have also filled the billing_rates database:
id 	gateway 		domain 	subscriber 	name 	destination 	durationRate 	trafficRate 	application 	connectCost
"1";;"sd-7501.dedibox.fr";;;"103 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr";"23";;"3";"2"

destinations database:
id 	gateway 	domain 	subscriber 	dest_id 	dest_name
"1";;"sd-7501.dedibox.fr";"103 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr";"1";"Domaine SIP locale"

id 	gateway 	domain 	subscriber 	profile_name1 	profile_name1_alt 	profile_name2 	profile_name2_alt 	timezone 	increment 	min_duration 	country_code
"1";;"sd-7501.dedibox.fr";"103 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr";;;;;;"10";"10";
"2";;"sd-7501.dedibox.fr";"106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr";;;;;;"20";"35";

Here is what I see with CDRTool interface:

1N  	2007-08-07 10:38:52  	 	 	103 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr		00:04	 	0.00  	0.00  	 Ok (200)
Signalling information
	Session: 	 sjozozxmfficcar at
	Start time: 	2007-08-07 10:38:52 Europe/Paris
	Stop time: 	2007-08-07 10:38:56 Europe/Paris
	Method: 	INVITE from :
	Dialed URI: 	
	Canonical URI: 	103 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr
	Next hop URI: 	
	Billing Party: 	sip:106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr
Rating information
	Free call

Best Regards,


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