[Serusers] How to handle Cisco Phone registrations withouth DNS SRV records

Mahatma Sarasvati gnoahhb at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 25 16:25:36 CEST 2007

Hello All,

I want to be able to handle registrations from Cisco Phones on the public internet to my SER server.
I don't run my own public DNS servers. I use register.com for DNS and they don't support DNS SRV records as far as I know. 
So, my Cisco phone config has to have "voice.mydomain.com" in order for the REGISTER message to reach the SER server.
However, I want my user accounts to be "jsmith at mydomain.com." The Cisco phone config is limiting because it appends the name of the proxy to the registration. Instead of 'username at mydomain.com' its trying to register with 'username at voice.mydomain.com'

How can this be handled in the SER config?
I use DNS SRV records on the LAN and it works great. What is the best method to handle this scenario?


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