[Serusers] Re: [Serdev] IMPORTANT: Invitation to discuss the management of iptel.org

Greger V. Teigre greger at teigre.com
Thu Apr 12 15:54:51 CEST 2007

Below are my personal opinions on the open issues I listed.
> I try here to identify open issues not discussed/decided:
> * Should there be one TB for all iptel.org projects or one TB for each?
I'm not sure what I think here. I see pros and cons.
> * What should be the criteria for selecting people on the TB (if any)?
I think everybody should be allowed to put forward names.
> * Who have voting rights when we vote on candidates for the TB?
Hopefully we can agree to a set of good candidates without resorting to 
formal voting, but if there is disagreement about controversial 
candidate(s), I think maybe those with CVS write access should be 
allowed to vote.
> * What should be the term for a TB member?
We need some continuity, one year seems too short, three years too long. 
What about two?
> * Should this TB handle any issues beyond development? (ex. website 
> content, iptel.org in the wider SIP context, relationship with other 
> projects, packaging, longer-term positioning of projects, longer-term 
> development goals, and so on)
No, I don't think the people on the technical board will be the best 
people for doing such stuff.
> * If not, do we need another group that could handle such things?
Yes, but I don't think this group should have any formal decision power 
and that it thus can be more informally put together?

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