[Serusers] Can SER do it? Extract info

Ricardo Martinez rmartinez at magenta.cl
Thu Apr 5 23:16:23 CEST 2007

	I think you can do that using a mix of the avpops module and textops module.

You need to search more information in the documentation.

Ricardo Martinez.-

-----Mensaje original-----
De: serusers-bounces at lists.iptel.org
[mailto:serusers-bounces at lists.iptel.org]En nombre de Gustavo Passos
Enviado el: jueves, 05 de abril de 2007 16:40
Para: serusers at iptel.org
Asunto: [Serusers] Can SER do it? Extract info

Hi There.

Can SER extract info from request uri? For example, If I have this uri:

INVITE sip:123456#0159559432 at my.sip.domain

How can I get data before "#" (123456)? I dont want to "strip" this 
information, just want to get it for further utilization.

Is that possible? If it can be done, can be done using variable number 
of digits? For example:
INVITE sip:123#0159559432 at my.sip.domain
INVITE sip:1234567#0159559432 at my.sip.domain

Thanks in advanced.
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