[Users] Re: WeSIP redundancy/failover

Ginés Gómez gines at voztele.com
Mon Apr 30 09:52:48 CEST 2007

Hi Andreas,

	you can distribute load amongst several instances of  WeSIPs using  
OpenSER scripts but nowadays replication of sessions(sip dialogs with  
their state) is not implemented. We are developing a memory  
replication mechanism that will spread session data amongst several  
servers. We are a couple of months away from it. From the OpenSER  
script you could use some sort of database query to find a suitable  
app server to invoke from a list than have a monitoring mechanism  
(like nagios script or similar) that removes failed WeSIPs from that  
list. That would add some kind of redundancy but not complete. When a  
dialog is setup in a WeSIP it has to be routed back to the same WeSIP  
for completition so in case of failure of an application server new  
dialogs could be setup properly using the distribution mechanism  
explained above but  ongoing dialogs couldn't be finished properly.



El 29/04/2007, a las 20:53, Andreas Granig escribió:

> Hi,
> I was wondering if there's any mechanism in WeSIP for redundancy  
> and failover. Assuming that I've one application server holding SIP  
> dialog states, how could I add high availability to it?
> There's some sort of session replication in Tomcat [1], so is this  
> somehow used by WeSIP? Are there any other best practices to  
> redundantly set up WeSIP?
> Andreas
> [1] http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/11/24/replication1.html
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