[Users] how to refresh REGISTER state when restarting redundant proxy

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Sun Apr 22 17:21:12 CEST 2007

Alan Crosswell writes:

 > Personally, I think mysql replication violates KISS if I am trying to
 > have my redundant servers as independent and survivable as possible.

that is a good goal, but i don't see how you can do it in a KISS way
without having UAs that register with both (all) proxies.

 > Our architecture load shares two proxies.  While UAs think they have a
 > single proxy they've registered to, inbound INVITEs are randomly
 > distributed among the two proxies (e.g. on our PSTN media gateways, or
 > other UAs that happen to have chosen the other proxy as their
 > outbound).

do your two proxies have two ip visible to outside?  if so, how do you
deal with UAs behind NATs?

-- juha

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