[Users] Problem with rewriting URI

Tsitsi mediatsitsi-ser at yahoo.fr
Thu Apr 19 13:38:27 CEST 2007

For making a dialplan in 2 or many openser, I  try fonction rewritehost("domain.com") for override  a default   request  URI  from  Client softphone,  the RURI change but the to URI still the same

   if (uri=~"sip:77[1-9][0-9]+ at .*") 

Openser 1
Before :
 New request - M=INVITE RURI=sip:7722 at domain.org;transport=tcp F=sip:user2 at domain.org T=sip:7722 at domain.org IP= ID=771b514742765432N2I0ZTAwZTMzZmE1ZGUwYjc4MWNhYTM3NTA3N2RjNWY.

After :

 Rewrite!!! - M=INVITE RURI=sip:7722 at domain.com;transport=tcp F=sip:user2 at domain.org T=sip:7722 at domain.org IP= ID=771b514742765432N2I0ZTAwZTMzZmE1ZGUwYjc4MWNhYTM3NTA3N2RjNWY.

Openser 2:

 New request - M=INVITE RURI=sip:7722 at domain.mg;transport=tcp F=sip:tvm_user2 at domain.org T=sip:7722 at domain.org IP= ID=ef6a5b0a6d73c925N2I0ZTAwZTMzZmE1ZGUwYjc4MWNhYTM3NTA3N2RjNWY.

And the dial is not fully a success,it can ring but when i terminated a call the callee is hang up !!

How solve this problem for a dial plan?  

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