[Users] does openser support QoS ?

NEILL WILKINSON neill.wilkinson at btinternet.com
Wed Apr 4 16:48:18 CEST 2007

The more obvious question is:

How does it know there is no more bandwidth available? As a signalling proxy, surely it has no visibility of the RTP usages or requirements.

I guess if it counted all the complete INVITE-> OK dialogues and the SDP codec used it could estimate usage? But the RTP/media path could be different in each case of these so again the same question as above......


----- Original Message ----
From: Henning Westerholt <henning.westerholt at 1und1.de>
To: users at openser.org; yanlin <yanlin at fortinet.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 April, 2007 10:41:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Users] does openser support QoS ?

On Tuesday 03 April 2007 11:15, yanlin wrote:
>  Hi,
> does openser support some kind of QoS ?
> like, band width management, when there has no more usable bandwidth, then
> new INVITE should be rejected.

Hi Yanlin,

if the bandwith is exceeded, no new INVITEs will get to the server and will 
timeout. :-) The "pike" module does some kind of DOS protection, but this is 
also no real QoS. 

There was a discussion two weeks ago about this topic on devel (the topic 
was "rand function in config file"), Klaus suggested some kind of bandwith 
management module there. But at the moment such a module don't exist in 



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