[Users] RFC 3428

Helmut Kuper helmut.kuper at ewetel.de
Tue Apr 3 19:27:02 CEST 2007

Hash: SHA1


ups, the 1.2.x docu for msilo module seems to contains some wrong
expamples (m-store(0), break commands, ...) so I fixed that on my site.

Currently one problem left:

I use x-lite as caller and callee. openser acts as a registrar and
central sip router. When callee isn't registered all sip messages of
type MESSAGE are send to a seperate openser server, which stores the
messages from caller. When callee is back on, the server sends all
stored messages for callee to callee.

This works good, except, that messages of type
"application/im-iscomposing+xml" were not accepted by xlite. xlite sends
a "400-Invalid Format"

U can find 3 screenshots attached to this mail:

- -ctype-orig.png is the message what was send originally from xlite
client (caller)

- -ctype-resend.png is the message what was send from openser/msilo when
callee was back on

- -ctype-notaccepted.png is the error xlite (callee) sent as a response to
the stored message

Main problem is, that those message fills up my database, cause each
time a user typs in a message into his xlite messenger, a "compose"
message is sent to callee.

Maybe it's good to add a ctype-blocker for stored messages, so they can
be deleted before they were added to database.


Juha Heinanen schrieb:
> Helmut Kuper writes:
>  > I have a question about openser: Does openser support RFC 3428 (Instant
>  > Messaging (IM))? If so, How do I have to configure openser to relay SIP
>  > method MESSAGE ?
> openser does support both relaying and storing of message messages.  see
> t_relay for the former and msilo module for the latter function.
> -- juha
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