[Serusers] how to make SER send Digest-Username(115) attribute

Hendrik Scholz hendrik.scholz at freenet-ag.de
Tue Sep 26 15:49:49 CEST 2006


a.kolesnikov wrote:
> Is it possible to make SER to send Digest-Username(115) attribute 
> defined in RFC 4590 instead or in addition to Sip-Uri-Users(208) attribute?

The cheapest hack would be changing the clear text string of 
SER-Uri-User in auth_radius/authrad_mod.c:

attrs[A_SER_URI_USER].n         = "SER-Uri-User";
attrs[A_SER_ATTRS].n                    = "SER-Attrs";

You could still leave the internal A_SER_URI_USER symbol
but modify the SER-Uri-User string to Digest-Username.


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