[Serusers] Newbie question

Mario François Jauvin mario at mfjassociates.homeip.net
Wed Sep 13 04:42:59 CEST 2006



I have installed SER and asterisk on a redhat enterprise 4 linux box.  I would like to find out how to:


1.	configure SER so that when people dial 9,2226665555 it will redirect the call to asterisk for processing and forwarding to PSTN
2.	I heard mentioned several times how asterisk can provide voicemail for SER clients and I would like to know how to set this up so that user can login to their mailbox
3.	I would also like to know how users can be notified of their message indicators.
4.	In addition to the info above I would like to know if there are links that describe this in greater details.




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