[Users] thought exercise

samuel samu60 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 18:14:23 CEST 2006

Probably OPENSER-ONE does not recognize the BYE as targeted to itself
(due to misconfiguration of listen|alias parameters) and that's why it
keeps on sending to itself the message..
It's like OPENSER-ONE checks the Req-URI|Route domainname|IP and
says..hey that's not for me, let's forward it to the next route..which
happens to be itself....and this happens until Max-Forwards reaches
the lower limit...

Try to add

in your config file and see what happens..


2006/9/28, Mark Kent <mark at noc.mainstreet.net>:
> I wonder if anyone on this list is open to a thought exercise?
> I'm trying to put together a cogent message about this,
> but in the meantime:
> I've got a situation where my openser box seems to route stuff to itself
> and it loops around and around until I get the classic "Too Many Hops" error.
> This seems to happen most often on BYE, although I've seen an ACK do it too.
> Here is a small ngrep snippet, after
> PHONE has called OPENSER-ONE who statelessly relays to OPENSER-TWO
> who t_relays to PSTNGW, and then the pstn user hangs-up:
>  U  23:03:53.254382 PSTNGW:5060 -> OPENSER-TWO:5060
>  BYE sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE.example.com:5060;user=phone SIP/2.0
>  Call-ID: callid at PHONE
>  From: <sip:18005551212 at OPENSER-TWO.example.com:5060>;tag=26674
>  To: "Joe User" <sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE.example.com>;tag=thetag
>  Content-Length: 0
>  CSeq: 1 BYE
>  Via: SIP/2.0/UDP PSTNGW:5060;branch=thebranch
>  Route: <sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE:5060>
>  Max-Forwards: 70
>  #
>  U  23:03:53.255013 OPENSER-TWO:5060 -> OPENSER-ONE:5060
>  BYE sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE:5060 SIP/2.0
>  Record-Route: <sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-TWO;lr=on;ftag=26674>
>  Call-ID: callid at PHONE
>  From: <sip:18005551212 at OPENSER-TWO.example.com:5060>;tag=26674
>  To: "Joe User" <sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE.example.com>;tag=thetag
>  Content-Length: 0
>  CSeq: 1 BYE
>  Via: SIP/2.0/UDP OPENSER-TWO;branch=otherbranch.0
>  Via: SIP/2.0/UDP PSTNGW:5060;branch=thebranch
>  Max-Forwards: 69
>  Route: <sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE.example.com:5060;user=phone>
> Right here OPENSER-ONE freaks out, and the delay causes
> OPENSER-TWO to re-transmit:
>  #
>  U  23:03:53.611227 OPENSER-TWO:5060 -> OPENSER-ONE:5060
>  BYE sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE:5060 SIP/2.0
>  Record-Route: <sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-TWO;lr=on;ftag=26674>
>  Call-ID: callid at PHONE
>  From: <sip:18005551212 at OPENSER-TWO.example.com:5060>;tag=26674
>  To: "Joe User" <sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE.example.com>;tag=thetag
>  Content-Length: 0
>  CSeq: 1 BYE
>  Via: SIP/2.0/UDP OPENSER-TWO;branch=otherbranch.0
>  Via: SIP/2.0/UDP PSTNGW:5060;branch=thebranch
>  Max-Forwards: 69
>  Route: <sip:JoeUser at OPENSER-ONE.example.com:5060;user=phone>
> OK, so who on this list is good enough to be able to suggest plausible
> theories about what my openser.cfg flaw is?  If you don't want to
> speculate openly on the list then please send me a direct email.
> Thanks,
> -mark
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