[Users] fix_nated_contact not rewriting contact?

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Tue Sep 26 12:12:15 CEST 2006

Hi Cameron,

that's a side effect of how openser deals with changes on the sip 
messages. instead of keep re-generating the message buffer after each 
change, openser keeps the original received buffer and the changes are 
stored as lumps - they will be applied only when the message is to be 
sent out.

all parsing functions (including ones used by pseudo-variables) use the 
original buffer, so the changes are not visible.


kjcsb wrote:

> I have the following code in openser.cfg
>        if (client_nat_test("3")) {
>                #IP address in contact is private IP
>                #Via is different to address client has contacted us from
>                #If so then setflag7 to indicate that sender is behind NAT
>                xlog("client nat test 3 returned true for r-uri <$ru> in
> route 3 so will setflag7");
>                setflag(7);
>                xlog("contact before update <$ct>");
>                xlog("via before update <$hdr(via)>");
>                force_rport();
>                #Rewrite Contact: header to contain Sip client's public
> IP:port
>                fix_nated_contact();
>                xlog("contact is now <$ct>");
>                xlog("via is now <$hdr(via)>");
>        };
> However the value returned by $ct is the same before and after
> fix_nated_contact(). Is that because I'm doing something wrong, or 
> because
> I've misunderstood fix_nated_contact or because the $ct variable 
> doesn't get
> updated by fix_nated_contact? If the latter, how can I find out the 
> result
> of fix_nated_contact? The same applies to force_rport and the via 
> details.
> Any advice appreciated.
> Regards
> Cameron
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