[Users] action.c:1: error: bad value (x86_64) for -mtune= switch

Ronald Wiplinger ronald at elmit.com
Mon Sep 11 04:33:35 CEST 2006

First try to compile Openser on an AMD Semperon CPU:

openser-1.1.0-tls> make all
Compiling action.c
gcc -g -O9 -funroll-loops -Wcast-align -Wall -minline-all-stringops 
-falign-loops -ftree-vectorize -mtune=x86_64    -DNAME='"openser"' 
-DVERSION='"1.1.0-notls"' -DARCH='"x86_64"' -DOS='"linux"' 
-DCOMPILER='"gcc 4.1.0"' -D__CPU_x86_64 -D__OS_linux -D__SMP_no 
-DCFG_DIR='"/usr/local/etc/openser/"' -DPKG_MALLOC -DSHM_MEM  -DSHM_MMAP 
-c action.c -o action.o
action.c:1: error: bad value (x86_64) for -mtune= switch
make: *** [action.o] Error 1

How can I solve that?



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