[Serusers] issue w/ permissions module

Miklos Tirpak miklos at iptel.org
Thu Oct 19 10:00:35 CEST 2006


Corey wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm using postgresql for the db backend for my ser instance, after creating and populating 
> a few obvious tables by handI seem to have it  "mostly working". ( using ser-0.9.4 )
> However, I'm stuck on the following:
> Oct 18 21:09:36 server /usr/sbin/ser[23595]: ERROR: permissions: trusted_reload(): Database problem
> Oct 18 21:09:36 server /usr/sbin/ser[23595]: init_trusted(): Reload of trusted table failed
> Oct 18 21:09:36 server /usr/sbin/ser[23595]: Error while initializing allow_trusted function

there was a bug in postgres module, and unfortunately the SER packages 
do not contain the fix. Get the source from CVS (either branch rel_0_9_0 
or HEAD) and compile it.

> Scratching my head, trying to figure out what might be causing that, but with no
> success - any clues?
> What I imagine is the relevant info:
> server ser # psql -U ser -W ser
> Password for user ser:
> Welcome to psql 8.1.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
> ser=# \dt
>           List of relations
>  Schema |    Name    | Type  | Owner
> --------+------------+-------+-------
>  public | subscriber | table | ser
>  public | trusted    | table | ser
>  public | version    | table | ser
> (3 rows)
> ser=# \d trusted
>               Table "public.trusted"
>     Column    |         Type          | Modifiers
> --------------+-----------------------+-----------
>  src_ip       | character varying(39) | not null
>  proto        | character varying(4)  | not null
>  from_pattern | character varying(64) | not null
> Indexes:
>     "trusted_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (src_ip, proto, from_pattern)
> Am I missing a table, or a column somewhere? Is this a ser issue, or a db/sys-admin/permissions
> issue? Should I also provide my ser.cfg?
> Many thanks for any help/advice!
> ( also, is it possible to use the ser-0.10.x  ser_postgres.sh/ser_dbtext.sh scripts
>   for ser-0.9.4, rather than doing it all by hand? )

The database schemas have been changed a lot since 0.9.x, so the files 
in ser_db subdir describing the schema cannot be used for earlier versions.


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