[Serusers] Using scripts with exec module

Andrey Kuprianov andrey.kouprianov at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 10:07:13 CET 2006


AFAIK it's not possible in SER 0.8.x and 0.9.x (although it should
be), but im not sure about the pre-release of SER with presence.
Anyway, there are 2 exec commands:

1. exec_dset() will consider your output to be a set of contact uri's,
and will append them to the message
2. exec_msg() just executes some script or system command, but does
not give any output. This is the command you should use, but since
there's no return value, it wont do much for you. :(

I think there should be some workaround for this problem, however, im
not sure how to do it. Maybe someone else can answer better.

   Best of luck,


On 11/8/06, Prettl, Kathrin <Kathrin.Prettl at t-systems.com> wrote:
>  I  have written a shell script which has a return value of either 0 or 1.
> Depending on the outcome of this script I want SER to react. I know I have
> to use the exec module for this but I don't know how. Can anyone help?
> Thanks,
> Kathrin
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