[Users] Radius extra: integer attribute type how to

Pletli Antal a.pletli at euromacc.hu
Tue Nov 14 16:36:11 CET 2006


I'm trying the radius-extra feature in openser cvs snapshot.

In my openser.cfg I set up the following parameter:

	modparam("acc", "radius_extra",

	modparam( "avpops", "avp_aliases", "start_timestamp=i:100")
	modparam( "avpops", "avp_aliases", "end_timestamp=i:101")
	modparam( "avpops", "avp_aliases", "call_length=i:102")



 I have experienced that when I  sent an Accounting-Stop request to
radius server, it received the integer value as an string and it decoded
the value to the chr code of the "3"

In the radius log:

* Attr: 46 - Acct-Delay-Time len: 6 val: 51

In the openser.log:

Nov 14 16:12:09 sip2 ./openser[727]: INFO:avpops:print_avp:
p=0x40623b88, flags=0x0000
Nov 14 16:12:09 sip2 ./openser[727]: INFO:                      id=<102>
Nov 14 16:12:09 sip2 ./openser[727]: INFO:

How can I set the corresponding integer attribute in the request?

Thanks in advance,


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