[Users] New presence server: immediate NOTIFY missing

Franz Edler franz.edler at inode.at
Wed Nov 1 05:14:31 CET 2006

> Why doesn't presence server send any notify?  If I take ngrep there are
> only subs/publish and no notify messages... Any ideas?

If the presence server gets any valid SUBSCRIBE it MUST send an immediate
NOTIFY for confirmation. And it does as verified yesterday.

To illustrate the correct behaviour I have attached a small tracefile
created with Ethereal/Wireshark and sip-scenario-trace. It shows my two
Eybeam clients at login and logout simply exchanging presence and
presence.winfo subscriptions. 

If you are not used to sip-szenarios-trace: 
You have to store both html-files locally and click on "presence_index.html"
to get the comfortable frame-view. Note also the different dialogs presented
in different colours.

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