[Users] (no subject)

Brandon Price brandon.price at hostrocket.com
Wed May 24 17:42:04 CEST 2006

Did the rewrtiehostport syntax change between 1.0.x and 1.1.x? This  
is the last thing I have not been able to resolve since upgrading to  
1.1.x testing.
for example where ...

         if ((method =~ "INVITE" || method =~"ACK") && uri =~ "sip: 
\*123 at .*") {
                 if (is_user_in("From", "voicemail")){

                 } else {

used to take an INVITE to *123 at my.sip.proxy and toss them to since upgrading it no longer does. Instead I get ...

my.home.machine.ip -> my.sip.proxy.ip SIP/SDP Request: INVITE  
sip:*123 at eastern.ionoc.net, with session description
my.sip.proxy.ip -> my.home.machine.ip SIP Status: 100 trying -- your  
call is important to us
my.sip.proxy.ip -> my.home.machine.ip SIP Status: 408 Request Timeout
my.home.machine.ip -> my.sip.proxy.ip SIP Request: ACK  
sip:*123 at eastern.ionoc.net

where the 408 occurs after whatever I have set in "modparam("tm",  
"fr_timer", X)"

This is taking place anywhere else in the openser.cfg that I have a  
rewritehostport as well.

Any clues?

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