[Users] questions about OPENSER and Asterisk integration

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Tue May 2 10:58:32 CEST 2006

B Boc wrote:
> hi,
> i have some basic conceptual questions about integrating Operser with 
> Asterisk.  Most of the examples I have read about so far talks about 
> using asterisk for voice mail but can the integration also cash in on 
> the other asterisk features?
> The examples always make reference to using asterisk to call out on the 
> PSTN.  I would assume that calling in on the PSTN and calling in/out on 
> IAX channel would be equally viable but would it also make sense to use 
> it to call in/out via SIP?

Of course this works fine. But dilaing out with SIP is often done 
directly from openser (except you need digest authentication)

> my questions stem from my desire to utilize a lot of asterisk features 
> because I just don't know openser well enough to start writing bespoke 
> scripts.  Stated another way (I did own up to the fact that I am no 
> Openser guru)  I would like to utilize all the work I have already done 
> with asterisk and frontend it with the openser.  Thereby having asterisk 
> doing the typical softswitch work (call waiting, call forward, privacy 
> manager, follow me, queues, conferencing, voice mail, etc) and openser 
> doing the  SIP proxy and NAT traversal capabalities for the UAs.

It is simple. You can do features in Asterisk as long Asterisk is in the 
signaling way. E.g. If a SIP client calls another SIP clients (both 
registered to openser), the call usually does not traverse the Asterisk 
box and thus you can't use Asterisk features. If you need all the 
Asterisk features then it may be better to do not use openser and use 
only Asterisk.


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