[Serusers] SER and Radiusclient-ng on 64bit Linux OS

Alan abaker at cliquecom.com
Tue Mar 28 17:49:48 CEST 2006

I've compiled and installed the sources successfully on a Sun Mircosystems
20z with Red Hat Enterprise v3 running the OS. When I try to use radius it
always fails to log the user in and authenticate with radius. If I run SER
on a 32 bit system with the same configurations as the 64 bit system it
works fine. After reading some documentation, I caught reference in regards
to radiusclient-ng only supported on 32 bit systems. Is this true?

The only thing that doesn't work is when a user tries to authenticate
through radius the authentication always fails on the 64 bit OS. Am I
missing any pre-configuration options prior to compiling on a 64 bit OS?
Please help.


Error message received from debug:

pre_auth(): Credentials with given realm not found

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