SOAP/XML-RPC experience, etc. (was RE: [Serusers] What do you have against SOAP? (was Carrier-grade framework for SER)

Arek Bekiersz sip at
Sat Jul 29 14:58:15 CEST 2006

Well, I think that integration around Web services in inevitable. And I 
think not about writing-just-another-SER-module, but some global policy 
towards Web Services.

If not SER globally, then at least some of SER user installations out 
there will have more or less proprietary SOAP speaking modules. Because 
all of us folks need sometimes to connect to billing systems, ERPs, Web 
portals and so on. And some of us already do it with Web services, but 
they just don't have time to speak about it ;-)

Our intention should be to spare all those people the need to develop 
their own Web services (SOAP) modules and do a consistent review of SER 
policy towards Web Services:

a) I think that we should at LEAST introduce SOAP for accounting. In 
emails sometime ago I proposed to build into SER a set of Web Services 
compliant to IPDR standard. Then we could at least facilitate simple 
requests for list of calls per user/domain/group, together with relevant 
call times. I have nothing against other billing information exchange 
standards of course, but I still think that IPDR is sexy.

b) Next we could build something around dialog module. Web methods to 
report ongoing calls, to terminate a call, to insert voice prompt into 
an ongoing call.. Options are endless here.

c) subscriber management - I think it is self descriptive

d) device provisioning, as I think Dave mentioned it - it is another 
good idea

e) ParlayX Web Services v.2.0 - for building all of those sexy call 
services and advanced call routing, reaching further that current dialog 
module capabilities

What is more, having SOAP (and Web Services in general) in mind, the 
next generation Web interface is just around the corner. SER with 
built-in Web Services, together with nice interface build in PHP/XSLT, 
OpenLaszlo or whatever-is-the-sexiest-now Web technology, could easily 
complement or even compete with Asterisk.

Arek Bekiersz

Jiri Kuthan wrote:
> I'm digging through old archives and I am just wondering how people feel about 18
> month later about the discussion about SOAP, XMl-RPC, etc. Any feedback would be
> appreciated -- what you think about it now and more importantly what's your experience
> if any. All in all, many are asking for a roadmap and input to that is most
> welcome.
> -jiri
> I have an opinion on this topic too but didn't want to begin egoistically with mine :-)

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