[Serusers] Re: SER database sharing

sip sip at arcdiv.com
Sun Jul 16 12:48:31 CEST 2006

In the cluster world, a delay for failover is quite normal. One minute seems
like a long time, but Oracle takes minimum 90 seconds to failover in cluster
mode (and I've seen it take as long as three minutes). 

That's standard active/passive behaviour. 

What you're looking for is active/active. There are very few things that
handle that capability well, and even fewer of them are databases.  Oracle
Parallel Server does it, but it's the single most annoying install of any
software I've ever done in my life. That, and of course, because it's oracle,
they charge you money for a license for both machines simultaneously because
they're both running, plus the cluster license... so an OPS install will run a
minimum of a half million US dollars or more. 

While I agree that a minute seems like a long time, it's probably a lot more
acceptable that just running one DB and having that server die with no
failover.... or a manual failover. 


On Sun, 16 Jul 2006 12:44:28 +0300, Juha Heinanen wrote
> Andreas Granig writes:
>  > It's quite simple. What you need is some basic knowledge in 
> heartbeat or  > any other FMS and in MySQL-Cluster.
> which version of mysql cluster you are using?  last time i tested with
> 4.1.15, after disconnecting ethernet cable from one of the two database
> hosts of the cluster, it took more than one minute before cluster became
> operational again (now using only one database host).  in my opinion,
> disconnecting ethernet cable from one database host should not cause 
> any interruption of the service.  i complained about this on mysql cluster
> mailing list and they said that this kind of interruption is "normal"
> for mysql cluster.
> -- juha
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