[Serusers] Unable to configure serweb-0.9.4

mkumar at mantragroup.com mkumar at mantragroup.com
Mon Jan 30 12:37:01 CET 2006

Hi All,

I downloaded serweb from
ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/ser/0.9.4/contrib/serweb-0.9.4.tar.gz and I am trying
to install serweb from instructions given in
http://www.iptel.org/ser/doc/ser-howto/ser-Howto.html#AEN256. I executed tar
-xvzf serweb-0.9.4.tar.gz and afterwards as per the instructions my next step
is to modify /user_interface/prepend.php, but I could not find user_interface
directory itself, I searched for it and I could not find it in my UNIX box
itself. Is there any bug with serweb-0.9.4.tar.gz or we do not need
user_interface directory itself for serweb-0.9.4? Can someone please help me
and guide me to configure serweb-0.9.4.


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