[Serusers] SER + ser_acc_db_module

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at ykoz.net
Wed Jan 25 16:03:13 CET 2006


I apt-get installed ser_acc_db_module and tried to configure it. After 
restarting SER, SER simply doesn't reply to any REGISTER command. It 
seems to just ignore them so my phones cannot register. And I have no 
NAT issues either since I don't use NAT with SIP.

Here's what I did at the configuration level:

Firstly, I have added the following config to load and configure the 
acc_db module.

  <bunch of loadmodule statements>

  # ACC
  #loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/acc_db.so"
  #modparam("acc", "db_url", "sql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
  #modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
  #modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 1)
  #modparam("acc", "failed_transactions", 1)
  <bunch of modparam statements>

Then, just after the "Record route" section and the "Loose route 
section", I have added this:

    # Sets the acc accounting flag 4 billing info.
    if( (method=="INVITE") || (method=="ACK") || (method=="BYE")) {

Below I have my PSTN hookup, such as:

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Pass on stuff going to PSTN to Asterisk
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    if (src_ip==<trusted_customer_ip>) {
        if (lookup("location")) {
        rewritehostport ("<asterisk_gw_ip>:5060");
        if (!t_relay()) {
            # sl_send_reply ("403", "prout");

Any ideas of what can be going on? As soon as I comment out acc-db 
related config and restart SER everything works smoothly again.


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