[Serusers] SER.CFG errors

Voipers Portugal voipers at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 18:47:25 CET 2006


I have recently installed the latest stable version of SER for debian at:
But i am having some problems running it with my old config file. Here
are the errors that appear in my log:

0(6841) set_mod_param_regex: parameter <db_url> not found in module <acc>
0(6841) parse error (52,3-4): Can't set module parameter
0(6841) parse error (118,46-47): unknown command, missing loadmodule?
0(6841) parse error (124,46-47): unknown command, missing loadmodule?
0(6841) parse error (210,38-39): unknown command, missing loadmodule?
ERROR: bad config file (4 errors)

And the lines that correspond to the errors are:

52: modparam("usrloc|uri", "db_url", "sql://seruser:serpass@ip:5432/ser")
and 118, 124, 210 are all the same:  acc_db_request("Connected", "acc");

I have all modules loaded without any problem. Do you know if any of
the functions or attributes have change their names recently?


Jose Simoes

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