[Users] Path

Helge Waastad helge at smartnet.no
Fri Jan 27 11:15:02 CET 2006

just a few questions regarding the path implementation (if someone cares
to answer, taht is ;-))
I've read through the RFC3327 (I hope)

If I have a scenario: UAC->OBP->Registrar
(th OB is a dispatcher)
In the current version, should I append_hf both:
Supported: path 
and a 
Path: <sip:[OBP];lr> 

to make it work?
I tried.
I get a P-Registrar-Error: Path parse error

and in my log:
 ERROR: build_path_vector(): First Path URI is not a loose-router, not

I guess I might have a configuration error, but do not really know.

br hw

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