[Users] Asterisk & Openser

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Mon Jan 23 13:31:54 CET 2006


On 01/22/06 19:54, Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
> I want to use Openser to register all phones.
> If the phone is allowed (paid) than it should be able to reach a 
> certain gateway (flat rate to certain numbers)
> Distinguished via mysql database.
> If the destination number is not in the flat rate, than the call 
> should be forwarded to Astersik to handle the call (prepaid card)
> If features are requested, than should be also Asterisk handle it.
> Is there a starting point for this set-up?
courtesy of Mike Williams, there is a dokuwiki page describing some 
OpenSER / Asterisk integration cases. It is a good starting point, the 
usage of Asterisk for voicemail is should be simpler.

In OpenSER you can use group module to decide whether the caller is 
prepaid or postpaid and route the call accordingly. The documentation 
for modules is available at:

OpenSER Core Cookbook:

More documentation at:


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