[Users] Question on re-writing From uri when ser forwards to Asterisk

Barry Flanagan barryf-lists at flanagan.ie
Thu Jan 19 19:05:00 CET 2006


I am using asterisk as PSTN gateway for users registered with OpenSER. 
Everything is working well for a single domain, but I will have problems 
with this when I add extra domains.

I will have multiple domains using the OpenSER server, all using the 
same set of Asterisk servers for PSTN. My problem is that when 
user at domain1 gets sent to Asterisk, they are authenticated as just 
"user" (i.e. the domain portion is stripped off) and they get registered 
under the [user] sip name in Asterisk.

Now, when I add the second domain, and user at domain2 goes to Asterisk, 
they also will appear to Asterisk to be [user]

I think what I need to do is rewrite the From: URI to be user_domain1 
and user_domain2 and then set them up in Asterisk as [user_domain1] and 
[user_domain2] so that they are unique

So, my questions are: is this the correct/only way to do this, and if 
so, what do I need to do to achieve this?

Many thanks.


-Barry Flanagan

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