[Users] LCR module

Ovidiu Sas osas at somanetworks.com
Tue Jan 10 18:04:27 CET 2006

Hi all,

The new lcr module has now two modes of operation controlled by the 
direct_db parameter:
  - direct_db = 1 (no DB caching)
     This is the old behavior of the lcr module
  - direct_db = 0 (DB caching - default one)
     In this mode, the 1.7 TODO issue from the README file is addressed: no
     more SQL query in load_gws() function.
     In addition to this, the From URI from the lcr table is now a POSIX
     regular expression, with the following extension: if the From URI is
     an empty string, it will be considered as a universal match - ie .*
     without invoking the regexec function.

Migrating from the old mode to the new mode requires the from_uri column 
from the lcr table to be updated to use POSIX regular expressions instead 
of the special _ and % characters.

old from_uri  ->  new from_uri
%             ->
123%          ->  123.*

Ovidiu Sas

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