[Serusers] Problem with time of call invite in Mysql

mkumar at mantragroup.com mkumar at mantragroup.com
Tue Feb 21 05:31:04 CET 2006


Thanks for the reply.

I can chage my TimeZone but many Users will be having many timezones and if
calls of each and every user records in Mysql DB according to his 
timezone then
how can we have a common timezone for all atleast for getting time 
records in a
particular period for billing.


> Quoting Andrey Kouprianov <andrey.kouprianov at gmail.com>:
>> Change your timezone
>> On 2/20/06, mkumar at mantragroup.com <mkumar at mantragroup.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have SER and mysql DB in USA and I am calling from India. For all 
>>> the calls I
>>> am dialling from India the time of call invite is getting recorded 
>>> 5.5 hours
>>> ahead the local time in USA. Suppose if time in USA is 6:30 and if 
>>> I call from
>>> India, in mysql DB it is getting stored that I called at 12:00. So 
>>> for billing
>>> if I calculate calls between NOW() and NOW()-30 days, all the calls 
>>> in this 5.5
>>> hours are missing.
>>> Please tell me where I have to change my configuration. I have ser 
>>> -0.9.4 and
>>> Mysql 4.0 on Linux.
>>> Thanks for your help and time,
>>> Manoj.
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