[Serusers] What's the point of domains?

Nick Hoffman nick.hoffman at altcall.com
Fri Feb 17 08:10:21 CET 2006

Hi guys, just a quick question. This is the only 'listen' in my ser.cfg:

When I add a user like so:
    serctl add nick at foo.bar password nick at domain.tld
and dial 'nick' or 'sip:nick at' on a softphone, the call connects 
and SER's debug messages show that this is being dialled:
    sip:nick at

If I try dialing sip:nick at foo.bar a 404 is returned.

If the domain that's specified when adding a user isn't actually used in 
the user's SIP address, what is the point of the domain?

Thanks for clearing this up for me,
-- Nick
e: nick.hoffman at altcall.com
p: +61 7 5591 3588
f: +61 7 5591 6588

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