[Serusers] Deploying VoIP on a WAN

Michael Heckner ser at michas-zuhause.de
Mon Feb 6 19:54:40 CET 2006

Hi Joao,

Joao Pereira schrieb:
> Hi,
> As many of you may know, we are undertaking several tests in order to test
> the interoperability between several PBX IP from different vendors. Until
> now, we were trusting that the VoIP IP PBX were good enough to be
> interconnected directly, however, one of the vendors have presented the 
> "SBC" concept.
> The "SBC" (Session Border Controller) is not a new concept since we were
> using it anyway when we setup a (Asterisk+SER+SIP Proxy) Box to handle the
> "on-net dialout" calls.
> I'm now overwhelmed with the amount of SBCs that are suggested by the 
> vendors
> to implement a solution.
> (http://www.juniper.net/solutions/literature/solutionbriefs/351085.pdf)
> Can anyone drop me some lines about this? I urgently need some feedback on
> this.

the SBC must be present whenever you leave your IP network.

If you deal with residential users, and you work with a SIP 
Proxy, you want to hide your proxy and your internal 
topology from the outside. So you need an SBC there, or, 
speaking more precisly, one interface of the SBC must 
concentrate the external network traffic,

The same is true, when you do interconnection with other 
carriers, instead of publishing the IP address of your 
proxy, you provide them with (another) IP address assigned 
to an interface of the SBC.

The amount of SBC is dependng on the expected network 
traffic, and the amount of interfaces, you require. Some 
boxes work perfectly with logical interfaces, i.e. assign 
multiple IP addresses to a single physical interface.

I propose to do detailed network and traffic engineering to 
ensure that you select an appropriate solution.

Hope this helps.

> Thanks!

> Joao Pereira  www.fccn.pt


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