[Users] caller number removal

Wolfgang Hottgenroth wolfgang.hottgenroth at verizonbusiness.com
Mon Feb 20 17:22:46 CET 2006

I've done it this way:

if (search("^Remote-Party-ID:.*<sip:.*?>.*?;privacy=full.*?")) {
   xlog("L_NOTICE", "*** full privacy requested\n");
<sip:anonymous at>;party=calling;screen=yes;privacy=full\n");
   uac_replace_from("anonymous", "sip:anonymous at");

   avp_printf("contacthelp", "$hdr(contact)");
   # xlog("L_NOTICE", "*** contact: $avp(contacthelp)\n");
   avp_subst("contacthelp", "/<sip:(.*)@(.*)>/<sip:\2>/");
   # xlog("L_NOTICE", "*** contact substituted: $avp(contacthelp)\n");
   avp_pushto("$Contact", "s:contacthelp");

More interesting than disabling the callees phone from displaying the
number is to remove it completely from the SIP messages, since the
black-hat callee could run tcpdump in front of his phone.

What do other ones think about my approach? In my setup it works fine,
as it seems.


unplug wrote:
> In the situation below, a call made from PSTN to openser.
> PSTN -----> openser ---------> UA1
> How can I remove the caller such that UA1 can't show the caller number
> in her display?
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