[Users] Using uac_replace_from to munge username between ser and Asterisk?

Barry Flanagan barryf-lists at flanagan.ie
Fri Feb 3 12:38:32 CET 2006

Barry Flanagan wrote:
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>> if you enable auto from_restore_mode, you do not need to perform any 
>> restore from script. Just replace the from in the initial INVITE and 
>> this is it - all replies and sequential request would be auto fixed 
>> (restore/replace).
> Aha! Thank you very much  - that seems to have done the trick!

Hmm, OK, it did work until I started using nathelper and mediaproxy. 
With mediaprixy I get no audio, and Asterisk is retransmitting

It appears that mediaproxy is looking for the "unmunged" username. Below 
is the mediaproxy log for this call. It is expecting 
from:sipps2 at sip.domain.com, whereas asterisk is sending 
sipps2_domain.com at sip.domain.com

Feb  3 11:25:05 www1 mediaproxy[7461]: command request 
1647296070-45779966 at XXX.XXX.96.225 
XXX.XXX.96.225:12047:audio,XXX.XXX.96.225:12049:video XXX.XXX.96.225 
sip.domain.com local sip.domain.com local 
info=from:sipps2 at sip.domain.com,to:0863854334 at sip.domain.com,fromtag:622fb836,totag:
Feb  3 11:25:05 www1 mediaproxy[7461]: session 
1647296070-45779966 at XXX.XXX.96.225: started. listening on 

Here Asterisk is retransmitting:
Retransmitting #1 (NAT) to XXX.XXX.1.16:5060:
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 
Record-Route: <sip:XXX.XXX.1.16:5060;nat=yes;ftag=61f4a3ce;lr=on>
From: ""Barry Flanagan"" <sip:sipps2_domain.com at sip.domain.com>;tag=61f4a3ce
To: <sip:0863854334 at sip.domain.com>;tag=as53b2855b
Call-ID: 1643422664-49d79852 at XXX.XXX.96.225
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Contact: <sip:0863854334 at XXX.XXX.1.68>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 201

  Any idea?


-Barry Flanagan

> Regards,
> -Barry Flanagan
>> regards,
>> bogdan
>> Barry Flanagan wrote:
>>> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>>>> Hi Barry,
>>>> have you set auto from restoring? See:
>>>>    http://openser.org/docs/modules/1.1.x/uac.html#AEN75
>>> Yes, but I am not sure where it is supposed to go.
>>> I have the following in just before relaying to Asterisk:
>>>     rewritehostport("XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5060");
>>>     uac_replace_from("$fn","sip:$au_$ar@$fd");
>>>     append_hf("P-hint: GATEWAY\r\n");
>>>     t_relay("udp:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5060");
>>> and I put in uac_restore_from(); just after the record_route()
>>> with all the other modparams I have:
>>> modparam("uac","from_restore_mode","auto")
>>> Thanks for the help.
>>> -Barry
>>>> regards,
>>>> bogdan
>>>> Barry Flanagan wrote:
>>>>> So, the only way around it that I can see is to somehow have 
>>>>> OpenSER change the username to username_domain so that each will be 
>>>>> unique.
>>>>> It looks like uac_from_replace should handle this. I have tried it, 
>>>>> and I can see that Asterisk does in fact get user_domain at domain in 
>>>>> the first invite, but thereafter for some reason OpenSER changes it 
>>>>> to just _ at domain for subsequent requests.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> -Barry


-Barry Flanagan

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