[Users] nathelper

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Thu Feb 2 12:38:25 CET 2006


Olivier Taylor wrote:
> Hi all,
> Nathelper permit some tests to know if a client is behind a nat or not.
> In documentation, things are not really clear(I must say not clear at all).
> We have the possibility to test thru nat_uac_test("X") 
> X can be 1, 2, 4, 8,16 or a combination of these tests.
> What is not clear for me, is the meaning of these test and action to take
> when the test is OK.
> Can any of you clearly explain the meaning of these results ans the action
> to take?
the results of the test is true when the conditions are accomplished in 
a "OR" manner. So, if you have a combinations of tests, then if one is 
true, the result of nat_uac_test() is true.

The common actions to take are to use rtpproxy for calls or to store the 
proper contact information in usrloc for registrations.

> Kind regards,
> Olivier
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