[Serusers] SER initialization/main loop queries

Greger V. Teigre greger at teigre.com
Mon Dec 4 12:49:53 CET 2006


Gaurav Kansal wrote:
> Hi
> I am going through the SER code. Can somebody please confirm if my 
> understanding is correct in the following things happening during 
> initialization time?
> 1.      Use of "children" in cfg file:  SER will fork a process for 
> the IP interface specified; if not then one process each for all the 
> IP addresses in the system. This it will do for TCP as well as UDP as 
> well as TLS, means separate processes for each.
> Does "children" mean that how many processes you want to fork for each 
> IP interface (or a socket) on which SER is listening? So depending on 
> number of children, there will be multiple forked processes for each 
> IP address/port.
> 2.      If four children are forked for one process, then which one 
> actually receives from socket as all four will be listening on same IP 
> address/port? Is it that some list is maintained and at one time only 
> the process at head node of list calls recvfrom()? After it receives 
> and processes the incoming request, it is put to tail of list.
> 3.      Why is the suggested "children" value 4?
> Regards,
> Gaurav Kansal
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