[Users] New OpenSER Module: The SNMPStats Module

tele tele at plexia.com
Wed Dec 20 14:24:21 CET 2006


This is really nice module!
And the documentation is very complete!
I'll try it.

thank you and compliments


On Tue, 2006-12-19 at 15:08 -0500, jmagder wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I recently submitted a new module known as the "SNMPStats module" to the
> OpenSER CVS head.  The SNMPStats module provides an SNMP management 
> interface
> to OpenSER, and is intended for those who want better manageability of their
> systems.
> The module provides general SNMP queryable scalar statistics (useful for
> discovering system trends), table representations of more complicated data
> such as user and contact information, and alarm monitoring capabilities.
> The scalar statistics are very useful for discovering trends in the ways 
> your
> systems are used.  For example, using a tool such as mrtg or Cacti, you can
> collect SNMP based information over long periods of time, and automatically
> graph statistics.  Some examples of good graphs would be:
>   - The number of messages received each hour of the day.
>     (Using the openserSIPSummaryInRequests scalar)
>   - The number of active dialogs at any time of the day.
>     (Using the openserCurNumDialogs scalar)
> These graphs may reveal that most SIP traffic happens between say, 
> 14:00-16:00,
> and that perhaps it would be beneficial to change rate plans based on 
> this data.  
> SNMPStats alarm monitoring provides for a useful tool in maintaining system
> stability.  Currently there are two alarms implemented:
>   - Dialog Alarms: If the number of active dialogs passes a certain 
> threshold,
>                    then a message can be sent to a network operation 
> center. The
>                    idea is that an administrator should me made aware a 
> system
>                    is becoming too heavily loaded before a failure occurs.
>   - Message Queue Alarms: If the number of bytes waiting to be consumed 
> by an
>                           OpenSER instance exceeds a threshold, then a 
> message
>                           can be sent to a network operation center.  
> The idea
>                           is to find out why the system is not able to 
> handle
>                           the load, and to take corrective actions before a
>                           failure occurs.
> In order to get the SNMPStats module up and running, you'll be required 
> to do
> some extra configuration steps that at this time are not automated.  The 
> full
> installation procedure is documented on the OpenSER web site at:
>     http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/1.2.x/SNMPStats.html
> Since this is the first time the SNMPStats module will be tried outside 
> of my
> work at SOMA Networks, there may be a few rough edges I've overlooked.  I
> welcome all to take out their sand paper help me polish the module.  All
> suggestions and criticisms are always welcome.
> Good luck all, and cheers!
> - Jeffrey Magder
> - SOMA Networks Inc.
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