[Users] client_nat_test

Andreas Granig andreas.granig at inode.info
Mon Dec 18 09:36:47 CET 2006

Dan Pascu wrote:
> And how would you mediate the fact that mediaproxy recognizes and handles 
> asymmetric clients (for both SIP and RTP) while nathelper does not?

Then, as already said: why not merging the advantages of both versions? 
Technically, it shouldn't be a problem to load the two config files into 
shared memory in one module (and reread it by MI) and provide an api for 
accessing it from others. This way, also rtpproxy could take advantage 
of that. Beside that, I can't see any other functionality, which 
mediaproxy has over the nathelper version.

> I find this splitting to be unnatural since both operations belong to a 
> single logical entity and the issues it raises outweight the mere fact 
> that it cleans up the function list a bit.

I don't see any real issues. It's some work which has to be done, and 
it's not really the most important thing on the todo-list, but it would 
remove unneeded redundancy.


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